by Robert Franklin |
A 21st century scientific thriller sequel of
George Orwell's
1984. |
Based in part on
the science and religion physics
Infinite Cold Energy by Robert Franklin. |
2nd in a Series |
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) |
Robotics ● Mind Slates |
Immortality on Earth |
Living Inside Humanoid Bodies |
Living Inside Metaverse Spaces |
Futuristic Physics Theories |
Futuristic Transportation |
Futuristic Weapons |
Price $2.99*
DRM-free ePUB eBook
*$9.99 at Kobo, Apple and Google |
Google** |
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following US territories:
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The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) by George Orwell is still in
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We request that you do not download, read or share this file
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About The Novel: |
The novel 2044 by Robert Franklin is a
380 page sequel to George
Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 that has been reincarnated
into the 21st century, but more bizarrely and
extraordinary. The book is gaining ground amongst
readers alike who have found this novel somewhat thrilling and
exciting. When we all thought 1984 and its predictions
out of the way since we entered the new millennial era - well,
think again, because 2044 brings all the highlights to the
fore giving you the details and secrets of Big Brother in
a more refined manner. When reading 2044 you participate
in the world of Big Brother and not just grasp the
knowledge by reading it.
The character Edward Thomas in the novel is
partly modeled after
the true-life experiences of Robert Franklin concerning a
man who works for Big Brother, as well as, the rich and
famous as an electronic technician. Suspicion was brought
on by some of Bob's holistic and strangely familiar pet
projects involving robots and his research into
immortality here on planet Earth.
Since the age of four Robert Franklin sometimes called
Bob by his family has been researching the subject of how to
make immortality possible - a desire humans have so far
not been able to find
the solution. Robert believes that immortality is
possible right here on planet Earth is plausible
believing wholeheartedly in its
future success.
Robert Franklin isn't only an impeccable writer with good
thought flow of sequence when he picks up the pen and puts
ideas on paper, he is also a singer and song writer. In 1981 Bob retitled
a song he wrote in 1977 calling it Franklinstein about
a robot designed and created to be immortal. Moving forward to
the year 1984 Bob
introduced Frank Jr. the robot. The demo song
Franklinstein is
available at www.bobfranklin.com for download under the artist
name Bob Franklin.
In 1989 Bob began studying physics. Bob believes the answer to his creative ideas can be found in having a thorough foundation
in physics. Bob created 1D alpha vector theory and 2D beta
theory from scratch which are two ideas in direct competition
with the popular physics theories called strings and banes.
Since 1991 Bob has worked on a practical photonic design
for telescreens and Bob's best new technology called "mind
slate technology" based on what Bob calls "tabūla mentis theory"
which is an idea
that Bob
created in 1991 to handle the artificial intelligence
(AI) portion of Frank Jr's thinking processes.
A timeline listed inside the physics book unfolds by the
year 2051 with quantum systems in photonics and quantum
artificial intelligence as the main accelerants of innovation
turning life for humans into immortal virtual digitalized humanoid
avatars called metatrons, metapeople,
metapersons, metathings, etc.
that will exist in 3D simulated virtual reality metaverse spaces. A dystopian real world and an
immortal metaverse virtual world ruled by Big Brother will
for sure make the seven years of great tribulation between 2044-2051 very interesting
to say the least! |
Book Reviews |
"An outstanding story about the living conditions in the future
world of planet Earth and its
their governing styles, which results in paradise and
on Earth.
A very entertaining perspective from a lifetime of
and from deep thinking in the science of
physics." |
Shirley Egland Spalla USC graduate,
BSc |
About The Author
Robert (Bob)
is an American self-educated in theoretical
physics, a former licensed electrical contractor, a former
licensed armed alarm company owner-operator, a music recording
artist and theologian. Bob
resides in southern California.
Excerpt from Chapter 1 from the novel
2044 by Robert Franklin |
Edward Thomas was laying on
his small bed folding his hands as he rested his head on a scrubby
pillow with his eyes continuously staring up at the battered
ceiling above him. He thought he really needed some gin to cool
off that hungering to satisfy his taste buds, so he quickly jumped
off his bed, sprawling the bed sheets at the far end of his bed
and dashed off to the kitchenette. He took a bottle of Victory gin
from a small cabinet by the side of a crooked stove and filled a
cup. The victory gin got worse by the day, he thought. It smelt
like ammonia and tasted quite horrible that gave you a pang in the
chest when you gulped the drink. He drank from the cup making some
little folds on his face in disagreement with the drink. Then
Edward dropped the cup abruptly on a little table in the small
kitchen area and began to walk in a drab sordid manner to an
average sized closet, picking up a rusty spanner so he could fix a
leaking drainage pipe in the loo.
Edward Thomas was a member of the Outer Party
caucus of Big Brother. He had medium light color skin, was tall,
quite gregarious, strong and handsome with dark brownish auburn
hair. Edward is a freelancer who does not work regular hours. He
worked for the ministries quite often maintaining their
technological apparatus. Edward also worked for the top echelons
of Big Brother’s government: the singers, actors, top officials
and members of Minitrue, Minipax, Miniplenty, and Miniluv.
Minitrue is a Newspeak word for the Ministry of Truth that is in
charge of propaganda, altering history, culture and entertainment.
Minipax is a Newspeak word for the Ministry of Peace that manages
Oceania's Ministry of War that is in charge of the armed forces.
Miniplenty is a Newspeak word for the Ministry of Plenty that
keeps the population in a state of constant economic hardship. And
Miniluv is a Newspeak word for the Ministry of Love where the
secret police interrogate, torture and brainwash enemies of
Edward was a highly influential person and his
inquisitiveness would at times raise suspicion which is a bit
risky, especially in Big Brother's system of ruling. He was more
or less what someone could describe as an unpredictable person
ready to be caught, tortured and then vaporized. Being vaporized
in Newspeak means a person's life is terminated by an electric
chair and in most cases their past life is totally erased from
history forever. Edward's futuristic ideas were chilling to some
in the Outer and Inner Parties, though Edward managed to stay out
of trouble.
Edward walked in a dull manner to the loo
knocking against his working tools that straddled the patchy
floor. The victory gin seemed to dampen his senses making him
wobble across the room. Then he opened the door under the sink in
a hasty manner and the door squeaked as it opened. He stared for a
second at the leaky pipe that dripped continuously wetting the
patchy floor. With a long yawn he mumbled some words as he wobbled
his way to the leaky pipe:
"Silly pipe, how long i-rm I gonna patch ya up," he spoke in a
rather casual manner as he loosened the plumbing pipe coupling
nut. "Next time you trouble mei i-rm gonna change you for
something better."
Edward slowly walks back to the living room area
within what could be described as a medium-size bachelor unit and
dropped his spanner on an average-size desk at the far end of the
wall just beside his little television that was under the
telescreen. He grabbed his radio and tuned in some military music
that flowed in good rhythms. It was twenty-one hundred hours and
this was the time the Oceania anthem played. It had this archaic
way of giving a message perhaps desiring to make the words
hypnotize someone or sink right into their head:
"Oceania, tis for thee," sang the rather brutish voice from the
Edward slowly sat on his small bed and sighed
some when he heard the rhythm of the song. Then he quickly
straightened up his face to avoid detection by the telescreen. The
telescreen was just right before him, a little to the right of his
room. Any form of human sensibility called facecrime in Newspeak,
with Newspeak being the official language of Oceania, could make
you wanted by Big Brother and his pawns. Facecrime is a Newspeak
word for being guilty of a thoughtcrime based on facial
expressions. A pawn is someone who is a front-line member who
represents the Proles or the Outer Party, or a back-line member
who represents the Inner Party. The music rhythm quickly crackled
and changed immediately, then the gentle voice of a female was
"Good day comrades. We are winning at the Eurasian front and they
are reducing in numbers," she said rather proudly. "The forces of
Oceania aren’t taking any chances. Big Brother is using new
strategies to conquer and we’re winning. Long live Big Brother."
The physics book
Infinite Cold Energy
by Robert Franklin.
The most exciting
science and religion
ever released.
Books by Robert
Franklin |